Setting up ELB and Health Checks on AWS


This article explains how to setup an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) and a Health Check in the AWS Cloud environment.


Elastic Load Balancer :

1.Go to AWS EC2 console.

2.Choose "Load Balancers" under the "Load Balancing" option in the navigation pane.

3.Select "Create Load Balancer".

4.Click the "Create" button under Application Load Balancers.

5.In the "Configure Load Balancer" tab, name the load balancer and specify whether you want internet facing (public) or internal (private).

6.Under listeners, choose HTTP as the protocol and either port 14240 for GraphStudio or 9000 for RESTPP.

7.Under availability zones, choose at least two zones you want the load balancer to reside in.

8.Under "Configure Security Groups", choose the security group for the load balancer. Note: it must allow inbound access to port 14240 for GraphStudio or port 9000 for RESTPP

9.Under the configure routing tab, name your health check group

a.Use the same port you used in step 6 and use path/echo if using port 9000 or restpp/echo if using port 14240.

10.Under the register targets tab, select the instances you want to add to the target group created in the previous step. Don’t forget to click "Add to registered" when done.

11.Go to the review tab and click create when everything looks good.

Health Check :

1.Go to AWS EC2 console

2.Choose "Target Groups" under the Load Balancing option in the navigation pane

3.Select the target group you want to configure the health check for.

4.On the health check tab, choose "Edit Health Check

5.For TigerGraph, health checks can be configured on port 9000 using path/echo or on port 14240 using path /restpp/echo.

6.Click save when finished