3.1.5+ Upgrade Schema Verification



What steps are needed before upgrading to version 3.1.5 or above?

Example : 3.0 > 3.1.5

Answer Overview:

You will need to perform a schema verification check that will help ensure the upgrade completes smoothly.

Explanation/Steps: First, download and extract the package:

curl -O https://dl.tigergraph.com/patch/3.1.5/upgrade-3.1.5-gsql-check.tar.gz
tar -xzvf upgrade-3.1.5-check/upgrade-3.1.5-gsql-check.tar.gz

Inside the package there are two files to run the check: 1.gsql-check-3.1.5.jar 2.run_gsql_check.sh

run_gsql_check.sh will perform the check. It can be run as follows:

bash run_gsql_check.sh

It will output either:

a. Successfully finished verifying catalog.
b. Failed to verify catalog!

If "Failed to verify catalog!" is displayed, then a support ticket must be opened. Please open a ticket with the following: Title= "GSQL 3.1.5 upgrade check verification failed" Priority= "High"

In the ticket, if possible, please create and provide the tar.gz and yaml files specified here:

tar -czvf /tmp/catalog_check.tar.gz /tmp/gsql_check_catalog/
$(gadmin config get System.DataRoot)/gstore/0/part/config.yaml

If you have restrictions in your environment that permit sharing these files, please note so in the ticket and share your availability for a Zoom call with our team.