Data Loading FAQ

If you have defined a graph schema, you can load data into the graph store. Loading data is a two-step process:

  1. Define a loading job, in which you use data loading statements to specify how values in the data source are extracted, transformed, and loaded their destinations.

  2. Run the loading job. If you have parameterized certain values when defining the loading job, you can supply the parameters when you run the loading job.

Spark Connection Via JDBC Driver

Question 1

The examples provided in the repo are often related to simple GET POST DELETE requests and how to run built in queries?


It can run pre-installed queries and interpreted queries.

Question 2

The way to do an UPDATE request?


We can see insert into, it’s actually an UPSERT request which either insert or update a vertex/edge

Question 3

If I had a node of a 'Person' and I made a GET request to get a specific person, I realized the code examples given return an array of the Person’s attributes instead of the Person object itself.


The restpp response of retrieving a vertex is like below; The ResultSet in JDBC has a table name from v_type, and each row represents a vertex consisting of v_id, attr1, attr2

"results": [
      "v_id": "id1",
      "v_type": "Person",
      "attributes": {}